Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fat Buddha Statue Meanings

!±8± Fat Buddha Statue Meanings

The Fat Buddha is thought to be based on a historical figure, a Chinese Zen Buddhist monk named Qieci who lived over 1,000 years ago during the later Liang Dynasty. In China he became known as Budai, meaning cloth bag, named after the sack he always carried. In Japanese this is translated as Hotei. He was a benevolent man who dedicated his life to helping others, and is portrayed as a fat, bald man in monks clothing, with a large exposed belly, and either wearing or holding a necklace of beads. This necklace is a Mala, a Buddhist string of prayer beads.

Fat Buddha statues are popular as a symbol of health, happiness, prosperity and good fortune. These statues take a number of forms, and can convey different meanings depending on the symbolic meaning of the various objects he is holding.

He is often seen with a large sack. This is the sack of blessings. It contains many treasures which he distributes freely. The sack represents wealth, and the fulfillment of wishes. The Ru-Yi or bowl of plenty signifies abundance and wealth. Budai holds the bowl above his head to receive abundance from the heavens. The parasol gives protection by deflecting misfortune. The wish-giving fan symbolizes happiness. Budai waves the fan to banish troubles. The Wu-Lou gourd, or gourd of enlightenment contains the elixir of youth for long life. The wealth ball is thought to represent a pearl. It is a symbol of the greatest treasure of all, wisdom.

Fat Buddha Statue Meanings:

Prosperity. Arms above his head, holding the Ru-Yi bowl of plenty.

Protecting Wealth. Seated on coins, or bag of blessings.

Safe Travels. Bag of blessings over his shoulder, and holding the wealth ball.

Enlightenment. Seated, with bag over the shoulder, and holding the wealth ball.

Happiness. Sitting and holding a parasol over his shoulder.

Spiritual Journey, or long life. Carrying the gourd of enlightenment, the fan and prayer beads.

Fat Buddha Statue Meanings

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Friday, December 9, 2011

ATP Tennis Masters Shanghai 2007 - Questions Anyone?

!±8± ATP Tennis Masters Shanghai 2007 - Questions Anyone?

The more I see the round robin system in the ATP final tournament the less I like it! Simply because at a certain point of the tournament it leads to some very questionable matches like the one between Andy Roddick and Roger Federer. It is obvious to me that since Francisco Gonzales had lost to Nikolai Davidenko, Roddick was automaticaly qualified winning or losing, so when he lost the 1st set against Federer he figured he would save his energy for the semifinal against David Ferrer and let Federer deal with nemesis Rafael Nadal by NOT FIGHTING! This does not mean Roddick would've avoided a pummeling from the Swiss even if he had tried his very best. The point is, in a regular ATP tournament under the professional code of conduct Andy Roddick would have been heavily fined for lack of performance against Roger Federer (no fighting!).

"ATP Officcial Rule Book


4) offenses

h) Best efforts

I) A player shall use his best efforts during the match when competing in a Tournament. Violation of this Section shall subject a player to a fine up to ,000 for each violation.

II) For purposes of this rule, the Supervisor and/or the Chair Umpire shall have the authority to penalize a player in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a Tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Player Major Offense of Aggravated Behavior."

Aside from that "incident" I must focus my attention on Roger Federer and his performance. Sublime?

Forgetting that Francisco Gonzales played the match of his life against Roger Federer in the first round robin match and in the process showed that if you stay close to the baseline and punch away toe to toe with the "King" (just like Nalbandian does) and put his "Majesty" on the run, you can come out a winner from the brawl! As I have mentioned in the past, you have to take your chances on Rogers second service, which Francisco did. I guess someone in the entourage has been reading my articles! A check must be in the mail for me! :))

Do we have to bow to the "king" and take our hats off just like the mosqueteers did to king Louis? Nikolay Davidenko with a game to bring Federer to exasperation, but with less nerve then a chinchilla, once more double faulted over and over (just like at the US Open) to hand the win to Roger on a silver platter. Does this mean Federer did not play well?...I dare to say Federer was ripe for another defeat after bowing to Nalbandian twice in Madrid and Paris, and to Gonzales not even 48hrs before. He just did not look the usual Federer full of confidence. Nevertheless a win is a win and Roger fully deserved that one.

Once Roger Federers bruised ego was a little restored with that win, there was nothing better to boost his confidence then a few more gulps from the elixir of victory and sure enough Roddick obliged. The score speaks louder then words; R Federer (SUI) d (5)A Roddick (USA) 64 62 .

Leaving Roddick licking his wounds, Roger Federer had more important things on his agenda, which was to teach another lesson to one of his most dreaded foes, Rafael Nadal. Oh boy, did Roger want to beat that jumping Spaniard with his fist pumping and loud screams "Vamos", plus the "Olés" from the crowd! No, Nadal did not know what was coming but, by the time he realized it the express letter was delivered and the bottom line read (1)R Federer (SUI) d (2)R Nadal (ESP) 64 61.

Looking at the spotty performances of late from Rafael one can infer his career is in a rut. He knows he has to improve his net game and get closer to the baseline. But the challenges are; does his coaching staff know what a volley is?...or do they have any idea how to train the attack?...or yet, what is a serve and volley combination? I know your head is shaking side to side saying, no! Furthermore at the baseline, Nadal's large wind-up swings and the heavy topspin in his ground strokes need plastic surgery for efficiency versus effort. To perform all of those laborious tasks Nadal needs time, so he gets 3 to 4 meters behind the baseline and that is something Federer and "others" have learned to pick on and march forwards inside the court on every short ball Nadal hits and spank them up the lines then finish with a volley. This is what I have been waiting for Federer to do for the last 4 years!

Next was David Ferrer, a valliant worthy opponent but, Roger Federer was not about to take any prisioners from what was left of the battered Spanish Armada and Ferrer was going to fall prey to that dictum. ATTACK!!...and attack it was, Roger combined serve and volley with the usual dose of measured slices that I have not mentioned yet but, which are so effective, that the Davidenkos, Roddicks, Nadals and the whole of the ATP tour players before their matches against Federer, break into tears, get on their knees and pray he plays more topspin backhands on the day just to allow them to look a little better! Federer has no time for such pleas nor mercy and punishes them ruthlessly!...and then to add insult to injury Federer finally decided that running extra miles every match is nonsense and opted to shorten up points by heartlessly putting away short balls at every opportunity, using the down the line approach-shot and finally throwing the serve and volley into the mix as well. Hallelujah!

Here is how Alberto Eleta a die hard fan of Roger describes it from his point of view:

"Well Sergio, it looks like Roger has finally owned the game at the net, and he now is no longer suspect on his forehand volley. It is a thrill to see him adding a new dimension to his game, wich is now nearing to a complete arsenal of weaponry. I watched him lose to Nalbandian and Gonzalez, but he didnt display the game he closed the shanghai session with against Ferrer. I guess he`s finally understood that at the net is where he must be to win big and consistently from now on. I have seen him attack like never before from positions he would only keep on rallying from the baseline. If he can use his backhand slice with more power (or a flatter backhand) he could even attack second serves like Mac used to do. Guess he hasnt realized yet how good his slice can get, and if he can combine it from the baseline with a flatter backhand he would make more opportunities to attack by forcing short balls from his opponents. If he can get to that level, he would probably become the greatest tennis player in history.

Regards, Alberto."

All I have to add is...and Federex delivered the package to David in a hurry; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (6)D Ferrer (ESP) 62 63 62.

Enjoy "The Game". :-)

ATP Tennis Masters Shanghai 2007 - Questions Anyone?

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Heal Yourself With Foods

!±8± Heal Yourself With Foods

Someone asked me once on a television interview what my definition of true health was- my answer, albeit too simplified for the scientific scholar was, "The absence of disease on all levels - meaning physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual." I happen to believe that every person can improve their level of health by making better choices.

My number one rule to living a healthier life is to make a daily effort to choose a path toward wellness and away from disease. Choose a journey that brings joy. Be with people you adore, don't participate in conversations that bring others down, be honest, hold onto the highest of integrity. Share your gifts and talents. Participate in hobbies and activities that enrich your life and the lives of others whenever possible. Allow yourself to be truly loved and allow yourself to love someone completely. Love can be a grand healer.

Do things that feed your spirit...listen to someone who inspires you. Perhaps you might attend a concert, seminar, go dancing, take a tour, go for a bike ride, walk in the woods, travel, meditate, practice yoga...your choice. On top of these things start to learn what it is that really keeps your body in top condition. Once you understand how nature works you will not be ill as often. If you give your body what it needs to do its job, it generally will!

So let's talk about FOOD HEALING.

This may be surprising to you, but the human body is composed of about 15 main biochemical elements with added trace elements to small to mention. Here is the breakdown:

Nitrogen -2.5%
Phosphorus- 1.5%
Magnesium- 0.012%
Iron- 0.010%
Silicon- 0.00025
Iodine, copper, lead, aluminum- trace amounts for a grand total of 100%

The human body is comprised of up to 70% water. Every three or four minutes with the aid of the beating heart, the body's blood goes through the lungs. The blood stream carries carbonic acid waste to the lungs to be oxidized by the oxygen and exhaled. Oxidation produces heat. By this fact it is possible to burn food in a laboratory to determine the amount of heat or calories it produces.

In chemistry we know that there is an atomic weight and innate wisdom principles within the body that send these chemical compounds to certain structures of our bodies.We have hard teeth, soft colon, tough tendons, malleable fingernails, a red heart, yellow bile, perhaps purple, blue, green in the eyes, blonde, red, or brown hair. Some people have glowing or sparkling eyes, others have eyes that are more dull. All elements have their specific scope of action and characteristics and so do we. We are all human but with unique biochemical makeups that give us variety or what I call "the spice of life!" Life, with all of its intracacies and nuances is surely miraculous.

Let us use Nature's remedies...our bodies are built from the elements of nature. Disease then most begins in the diet with poor choices, or inadequate food supplies, from there we must consider the mind and emotions of a person.. Sometimes we take too much of one element and it causes an imbalance and other times we take too little and imbalance occurs. This happens physically, mentally and emotionally as well. Too much of a good thing may detract from life.

For example, when we do not have enough organic sodium in the diet it leads to stomach trouble but too much sodium can lead to heart disease. A low iron diet leads to anemia and yet inorganic iron can produce constipation. The right amount of lovemaking can improve one's state of health but too much can make you go blind! NO NO NO - I'm just kidding, just wanting to keep you on your toes! But truly, using your mind in your daily occupation is important for continued mental acuity, but watching television all day may detract from your mental fortitude. Enough exercise will keep your body nimble and strong, overworking a muscle may cause injury. So you see we must choose balance.

I have found that there are seven bad habits one must break in order to be healthier: Eating too often, eating too much, talking about sickness, losses and diseases, eating fried foods, smoking, and worrying about what is yet to come. These things bring one into a very acid state of life where disease seems to breed.For me, prevention is the best answer, although I have found that many people must be one step short of dying to take their health seriously. Even if you are not in tip top shape you can improve in some way so that life is more enjoyable.

There are clues in nature and within our own bodies that can help guide us to better health. Just as we can watch the birds in nature make correct choices to sustain their little bodies in flight, we must look at the human frame to determine what is best for us. Our taste buds register four different sensations, sweet, salty, bitter and sour. The back of the tongue is more sensitive to bitter, the sides react more to sour and salty and the tip to sweet. That's another biological clue that we are to eat a variety of foods. Our teeth are also a clue; we have teeth that grind and teeth that rip and tear.

In food chemistry we know that we should apply the Acid/Alkaline food theory for perfect health. The dietary ratio should be 80 % akaline foods and 20% acid forming foods. Biochemistry divides foods into these two basic categories, and rest assured we need some of both for the spark of life to occur. One must "strike" the flint to make fire. Before any food is digested it takes the presence of ENZYMES. Enzymes are the body's catalysts that make biochemical processes possible. For instance the first enzyme is ptyalin found in the saliva. Ptyain converts starches into maltose for further digestion by the enzyme called amylase produced by the pancreas. This enzyme splits maltose into polysacharides or multiple sugars and still more intestinal enzymes change these to simple sugars which are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine The liver stores sugars for later use in the form of glycogen. Okay enough chemistry--let's get back to food. But one more thing, if you really have poor digestion try eating one type of food at a time...then your enzymatic activity won't get confused by the multiple food forms and complete digestion can occur. If not possible take the best enzyme formula on the market -I suggest AbsorbAid Platinum because it has been clinically tested and written about int he New England Journal of Medicine.

In general the acid/alkaline balance is not only reflected in the state of physical health one displays but in the mental and emotional states as well. When the sun is up we are causing acid building due to mental activities, but when the night is upon us it is the alkalizing moon that causes us to rest and establish balance. negative thoughts and attitudes such as fear, hate, gossip, unhappiness, anger, selfishness, jealousy, lack of love all build acids as does overwork and late hours and pollution. Rest, sleep, fresh air, sunshine, laughter, good companionship, love happiness, joy satisfaction and a positive philosophy encourages alkalinity. we have alkaline fruits and slightly acid fruits. We have alkaline vegetables and slightly acid vegetables. For example:

Highly Alkaline fruits include:

Apples, apricots, avocados, speckled bananas, all berries, cactus, cantaloupe, cherries, currants, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, guavas, kumquats, ripe lemons and limes, mangoes, all melons, nectarines, olives only sundried, oranges, papaya, pears, persimmons, plums, prunes, quince, raisins, tamarind, tangerines, tomatoes.

Slightly acid fruits include: all preserved fruits, sugared fruits or dried fruits, sulphured fruits, sugared fruits, pickled fruits and fruits that are not ripened yet--all "green" fruits.

Highly Alkaline vegetables include vine ripened:

Asparagus, bamboo shoots, beans, green, lima, string, sprouts, beets and tops, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, cauliflower, chard, chayotes, chickory, chives, collards, cucumber, dandelion, dill, dulse, eggplant, endive, escarole, garlic, horseradish, jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leek, legumes, lettuces, mushrooms, okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, pumpkin, radish, rutabaga, salsify, sauerkraut, sorrel, soybeans, spinach, squash, turnips, water chestnut,m watercress.

Slight acid vegetables include: artichokes, white asparagus tips, all dried beans, brussael sprouts, garbanzos, lentils and rhubarb.

There are some alkaline dairy products such as acidophilus cultured milks, buttermilk, whey, yogurt, clabbered milk and kefirs. And acid-forming dairy products such as butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, ice cream, sherbert, custards, all milk that is pasteurized, dried or canned.

Here is something interesting to remember...there are NO alkaline flesh foods! that means that beef, lamb, pork, chicken, goose, venison, fish, turkey, quail...are acid forming foods. The closest alkalizing element in the family of flesh foods is their bones and their blood! So, when you eat whole fish such as in sardines and chew those little bones it is a good balance as long as you soak the salt away first.

All alcoholic beverages are acid, and 99% of the grains are acid as well. On the chemical scale the most alkaline of the grains is buckwheat and the most alkaline nut is a raw almond..and I nearly forgot - coconut if it is fresh.r

The neutral foods on earth are:water, naturally occurring oils such as unrefined and cold pressed olive, corn, cotton, soy, sesame and other fats.

If we know how to use foods as medicine we can change the body chemistry and improve health tremendously. We are meant to enjoy good health not suffer in sickness and misery. I remember Dr. Garnett Cheney in San Francisco telling a story having treated 100 patients with the juice of raw cabbage which gave the fastest relief as cure for uncomplicated peptic ulcers. Symptoms disappeared in the first few days and he proved by x-ray exam that the ulcers themselves disappeared in as brief a time as a week. No medicine or other diet was employed. Now that is powerful food medicine.

As we move to the plant kingdom we find where most all medicines of the world are derived. Herbs such as ginseng as researched by the Russians, increases the body's resistance to disease and stress. Physical and mental efficiencies are increased, blood sugar is reduced in diabetes and blood pressure normalized. Panax Ginseng was the type used in the Russian study. There are other forms that promote different responses, and it is not wise to take any herbal formula, by the way, without consulting your physician and or/pharmacist. French researchers showed thaht elderly persons troubled with memory lapses, slow thinking showed improvement after a week of taking ginseng and remarkable improvement after two months. However, add to this vitamin and minerals supplements were given.

Some of my favorite life-givers are the super greens of the world. Things such as chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants green and allows them to synthesize food using the energy from the sunshine. This is a powerful cleanser for the body. All green leafy vegetables are a good source of chlorophyll. Interesting that it porphyrin molecule is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule of the blood.

Two other super green foods are spirulina and chlorella, both green microalgaie available today from many health food stores in powder or capsules or tablets. It is rich in protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and biochemical elements. Spirulina gets its name from the spiral shape which shows up under the microscope. Chlorella is a single-celled microalgae round in shape.

Evening primrose is one of the most fascinating and useful of the herbal remedies. The whole plant is edible and oil taken from its seeds can be used for skin rashes and other skin problems. It is also highly useful in women's health. I won't go on about the thousands of herbal plants that feed us well...but I will mention one lastly here - and that is:

Milk Thistle is a brilliant plant that actually works on the liver to help support and rebuild it. It is one of the finest plants to help detoxify poisons especially from the liver. Go slowly with this one as it is powerful. there are many companies that sell Milk Thistle - also called sylimarin, so check with your health food store expert for the best one available today.

Today we have discovered that there are many plants which give support to hormonal production and sometimes these plants can act as well as prescriptive medications. I know that natural medicine provides for phyto estrogens and progersterones such as those derived from Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Fennel, and Fennugreek. More are in research. We find that Velvet Deer Antlers (tissue before it becomes a horn or hardened) are helpful to the male and female because they are rich in every nutrient known to sustain life. Again when you look at the place on the deer's body - this is a "protruding" structure and one would imagine that likes curing likes - it would be beneficial to our "protruding" parts, male and female. Makes sense to me!

Here are some fun facts: People from various parts of the world enjoy strange foods: Vindaloo, is a Burmese savory dish of fish which has been buried in the earth for three weeks! Eskimos eat rotten fish and meat with no ill effect! Connoisseurs in Britain will not eat meat unless it has been "hung" for several days. Herman Almquist of the University of Cal years ago found that chick bleeding could be cured by using putrid fish meal which is high in vitamin K, the coagulative vitramin. And in European pharmacopeioas there is a prescription of an "elixir of long life," the formula being a compound of aloes and other purgatives.By the way if you are constipated Aloe Vera is a wonderful aid to irregularity. You can find 100% natural aloe suitable for ingestion in liquid or capsule form. A plant called Senna is also a very powerful bowel stimulant but should not be used regularly because one could get "hooked" on its incredible power.

And now just a bit of how certain foods can become your medicines:

Keep a jar of raw honey handy incase you cut yourself, or get a sore throat - raw honey contains natural antibiotic and antiseptic properties. But I will emphasize that the honey must be in a RAW state - the way it exists in nature and before some companies heat it. As chemists know, heating elements in nature or in the lab changes the chemical compound. Somtimes it is a benefit and other times not. Eating RAW honey is the superior way to go!

Beet tops are wonderful blood purifiers and putting these leaves in the bottom of a stainless steel pan prevents burning your food. In European countries celery was used to rejuvenate Olympic athletes with great results. It is the most cooling thing you can have in the body after arduous competitive games. If you want to stay cool in the summer mix celery and pineapple juices for it replaces the salts lost in perspiration on an extremely hot day. Cucumbers are also a cooling food because they are high in organic sodium just like celery...and will help you stay "cool as a cucumber."

Leeks are good because of their powerful effect in driving out various forms of germ life in the body, not dissimilar from garlic's ability to kill bugs. Onions are also great for ridding the body of catarrh. Onion packs have been used for centuries for chest conditions, just like hot mustard packs grew in popularity for their ability to heat the body.

Lemon Juice is nature's most powerful antiseptic use it internally and externally. you can apply it to corns, on your scalp, on sores, use it for an eyewash or gargle...People in various countries known these things because they are far from medical hospitals or doctors and must know the value of the plants to survive.

Lettuce - there is not much nourishment in head lettuce - but juicing it up will make you sleep soundly at night because it contains an opium-like by product that also slows digestion.

Mushrooms -such as Shitake, Maitake, and Reishi are used today in various formulas to prevent disease because they are rich in germanium which increases the amount of oxygen in each cell. Where there is an oxygen rich environment disease is scant.

Nuts- raw nuts are best - to work as nerve elements also high in manganese and zinc which feed glands such as the prostate. Walnuts when cracked open look like a brain - get a clue there.

Papaya is very good for stomach troubles and helps to digest food. It helps to breakdown toxic protein deposits all over the body. LIke pineapple, papaya contains protease, an enzymes that helps to metabolize proteins. Infact, leave some papaya tablets or slices of raw pineapple on meat overnight and in the morning you will find a mound of mush! I know this to be true I've ruined some holiday hams forgetting not to add fresh pineapple while crockpotting. I've suggested chewing papaya tablets for mouth troubles to many people over the years and the result is always positive.

Pumpkin seeds are terrific protein and help to eliminate certain critters in the body while supporting the prostate gland as well

Radishes are good for gallbladder or catarrhal conditions. Try some of the Korean radish dishes and you are sure to start sweating...horseradish is great on the tip of the tongue to clear a stuffy nose. Hold it for 30 seconds and you will start to clear your sinuses

Red foods are usually blood builders and glandular foods. All of the berries are powerful anti-oxidants and are deep red in color. Nature is kind to us by giving us so many clues. Simply foods that are shaped like glands support glandular health, foods that are green keep us clean internally (help to eliminate toxins), foods that are golden/orange take care of skin conditions, as well as, bowel conditions. If you slice a carrot you will see that it mimicks the human eye - you've heard how good carrots are for night blindness because they are rich in Vitmain A-in the form of Beta Carotene. When you have too much Beta Carotene in the blood your skin turns oranage!

A tomato has four chambers like the human heart (clue) and contains lycopene found to reduce the damage by LDL in two months.In fact the medication called Ateronon contains lycopene. In fact, a neurovascular surgeon by the name of Peter Kirkpatrick at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge researched lycopene and concluded that it protected the arteries, heart and the brain!

Cherries: are rich in iron and help prevent anemia

Squash is rich in betacarotene and good for the skin and eyes - a form of vitamin a

Taro Root is a good remedy in case of intestinal distress or colitis and is easily digested. native to the Hawaiin Islands they know how good it is.

Turnips are great for those who suffer with lung, bronchial, sinus troubles because they contain both sulphur (which drives blood upward) and Vitamin A which products the mucous membrane.

Black Cherry Juice Concentrate is FABULOUS remedy for GOUT! I've had so many people over the years thank me for just that little tip. It will also help to get rid of the crystals in your joints people - so gets some concentrated (unsweetened) cherry juice at your health food store and take a teaspoon in 8 oz of water between meals to help reduce the symptoms of gout from too many purines in the blood.

FlaxSeeds --(a yellow food) terrific for constipation and to keep the bowel regular. Also contains high amounts of essential fatty acids Omegas 3,6,9

Apple juice, raw apple juice is a good drink for summer and filled with many of the electrolytes needed to rejuvenate the body during overheating.

Deep yellow foods help constipation--so apricots, figs, prunes (yellow meat inside), corn, etc are all good, rich in magnesium and vitamin a to sooth the lining of the colon.

Now you know some of the secrets that nature has provided for us and how to use them. Remember to eat organic foods whenever possible, or from your own garden because we want to stay away from poisonous herbicides and pesticides.

Be sure to eat the outer coverings of fruits and vegetables. Did you know that you can eat the entire Kiwi, orange skins, cucumbers (unless you are sensitive), apples of course, and even banana peels? There are so many foods that we can and should be eating whole but we have become a nation living life away from the land in most cases.

Please don't cook foods that you can eat raw whenever possible.Take enzymes if you have trouble eating certain foods. Try mashing foods like we do for babies so it begins the breakdown prior to ingestion if you have a sensitive stomach.

Overall, aim to eliminate as much of what man has done "to" food and your life will be healthier. Cut down on processed and preserved foods, fried foods, salted foods, candied foods and all lifeless food such as candy and soda.

And by the way, to stay really well--eliminate those things (people, places, foods, habits, things, ideas, etc) that do not support your total wellness.

If something is detracting from your life it is killing you slowly - so re-evaluate your choices at least once per month on every level and you will be healthier. Take steps starting right now that will bring you to a healthier place and more enjoyable life - you owe it to yourself and you certainly deserve to be Totally Well.

Heal Yourself With Foods

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Monday, November 21, 2011

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Benefits of Praise and Worship Songs

!±8± Benefits of Praise and Worship Songs

The benefits of worship songs can be many and specific to the individual. We all need different things in our lives to make us go, keep us motivated and on track. Therefore, there is no one benefit that meets the needs of all individuals. We must extract what we need from praise and worship songs that we listen to in order for them to be beneficial. However, some intrinsic benefits apply to any situation.

Stay connected. You cannot always be at church or group so you need to be connected to God and his message whenever you need to. Worship songs allow you do that anytime anywhere. Everyone needs a coach and the coach cannot always be there, so you need the coaches message with you at all times.

Keep Focused. In life, we can all get off track at any point. There are other things you can do to keep focused such as reading but you can take songs of praise and worship with you anywhere. What's more important is that they keep us focused on the important things in life such as our family, our spouse, God, and prayer. The reason is they are songs written of Scripture, faith and Christian inspiration.

Educate. Songs of praise and worship can also be very educational especially for those that are not big readers. Let's face it not everyone likes to read or attend church therefore songs with a strong message of God or Jesus serve to educate as well as entertain you. Obviously choosing the right songs is important, as there are many entertaining songs but some more than others tend to be more educational than strictly for entertainment value.

Inspiration. Never underestimate the need to be inspired. In the day-to-day of your life, things can seem somewhat Mundane. The normal routines can get redundant and in our life, we need to be inspired and in this case inspired by God. Music in general can be very motivational and inspiring but infused with the proper message of praise, it can be awe-inspiring and good for the soul.

Free of worldly stress. It is very easy to get stressed watching the things that go on around the world from genocide to natural disasters and what we see on the news daily can take a cumulative toll. Praise and worship songs that carry a strong message can serve as an elixir of sorts to what is going on around you. It is important to never turn a blind eye and assist our fellow man when and wherever we can but it is equally important to keep it in perspective and maintain our own faith.

No matter what it is that you need at that time, praise and worship songs can provide an intrinsic value to your life more so than just pure entertainment. They can keep you focused, educate you, and help keep your stress level down and just as important inspire you to great things in your life and for others.

Benefits of Praise and Worship Songs

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Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Best Acoustic Guitar Brands That You Will Want To Buy

!±8± 10 Best Acoustic Guitar Brands That You Will Want To Buy

You can find a number of good acoustic guitar brands in the market. But among the high quality ones, you will find those that can be perfectly suited for you. Below is the list of the best brands out there.

Yamaha is a Corporation in Japan which became the world's major supplier of a full line of musical instrument. Using the finest hand-selected woods and traditional craftsmanship together with subtle new construction finish and wood technology, Yamaha produces acoustic guitars which are both good in quality and creating sound.

Epiphone is an acoustic guitar organization from Gibson Corporation. The sound quality of Epiphone guitars doesn't let Gibson's name down, the price range has been kept to the smallest. It has rosewood fingerboard and bridge that allows you feel more at ease in playing.

Squire guitars are made by the Fender Business which is famously recognized for their electric guitars from Scottsdale, Arizona. Their acoustic guitar is extremely durable and made to suit for school music program learners and newbies. With a good sound, this brand is known to make low-priced guitar models like SA100 and MA1.

Ibanez is considered to be one of the best-selling electric guitars and bass guitar brands. But, they also produce a quality acoustic guitar for acoustic guitar players. The V series is really popular for newbies, making it one of the best acoustic guitar brands for beginners. Their guitar uses mahogany wood on the neck, and back and sides of the guitar. It also includes a rosewood bridge and rosewood guitar fretboard.

Gibson has the biggest standing inside the music industry. The fingerboard in their guitar features the highest grade rosewood which has been professionally graded and qualified by Gibson's group of qualified professionals. Their acoustic guitars provide an extremely smooth and comfortable feeling for playing.

Samick is a Korean guitar manufacturing company, that is known first for constructing their pianos using imported pieces. The corporation is capable of manufacturing more than one million guitars each year. They have an acoustic guitar with good quality which makes an exceptional sound. The company sell its guitars under its own brands such as Abilene, Silvertone, Greg Bennett, and Samick.

Oscar Schmidt
Oscar Schmidt is a brand of Washburn Guitars. It has smooth fret end, precision low action and resonant quality of sound. The best-selling acoustic guitar of this brand are the OG2 and also OG3. Oscar Schmidt also creates other traditional stringed musical instruments like ukuleles and autoharps.

Though Taylor guitars are probably the most expensive, but they certainly produce an exceptional quality of sound. They choose the best wood to use so that the guitar will produce its very best sound quality. Taylor Baby Spruce BT1 or Taylor Baby Mahogany BT2 will work for those who want fine tunes along with a good price.

Takamine is a Japanese guitar making company, which has Half a century of historical past committed to innovating and advancement of guitars. Takamine guitars are very pricey but the cost is really worth the sound.

Seagull is a Canadian company that produces hand crafted acoustic guitars. It has solid top guitars which offer richer sound, broader dynamic range, and sound becomes better as time pass by. The neck of the guitar of the seagull guitar has either Silverleaf maple or Honduras mahogany. Silverleaf is less permeable than mahogany that provides an incredibly smooth sensation but has an identical denseness. Some really good guitars from the line up of Seagull are Original S6 Cedar, Entourage Rustic S6, and Entourage Rustic CW QI.

10 Best Acoustic Guitar Brands That You Will Want To Buy

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Friday, October 14, 2011

BULK 12-sets Elixir Nanoweb Custom Light Gauge Electric Guitar Strings (# 12027)

!±8±BULK 12-sets Elixir Nanoweb Custom Light Gauge Electric Guitar Strings (# 12027)

Brand : Elixir
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Post Date : Oct 14, 2011 03:38:37
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Elixir Electric Guitar Strings with Ultra Thin Anti-Rust Nanoweb Coating

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Elixir Guitar Strings - Good Quality and Value?

!±8± Elixir Guitar Strings - Good Quality and Value?

Have you ever in a music store to get some new strings and found himself staring at the rack into confusion? There are an incredible number of string types and brands to choose from. It 'so important to get more information about a particular brand before buying.

For Elixir strings are a string of specialists, offering durability and strength, but the design is to ensure that the duration is not affected AudioQuality. So, what's so special and Elixir strings, most importantly, live up to expectations?

Elixir POLYWEB Coating

And 'POLYWEB sophisticated coating, which is made of a polymer that provides these light strings in a constant quality over a longer period. In addition, this special coating professional musicians to capture the rapid movement experience and squeak belt low on the finger action.

On the other hand, if you're a beginner or a guitaristwho does not play frequently, you will notice that Elixir strings remain in good condition even when kept in a case for months.

The polyweb coating means that there is no need to wipe the strings down after a gig or jamming session. Of course, the coating will wear down gradually, but musicians will not notice a depletion in sound quality when this happens.

Elixir Provides Sustained Note Length

Through rigorous experiments and studies of physics, the experts at Elixir have used DSR (dynamic signal analyzer) equipment to assess the success of their strings. This sophisticated testing phase has led the manufacturers of Elixir guitar strings to believe that they have found the ultimate in coating, durability, sustain and quality.

Benefits of Elixir Strings

Elixir provides strings for both acoustic and electric guitars. For both instruments, the Elixir strings offer: the scientifically-tested polyweb coating (this very light polymer on the surface of the windings provides guitarists with increased sustain and a longer string life), comfortable finger movement, fast fret action, no annoying squeaks from fret action, consistently good sound quality and reduced chance of corrosion (you don't even have to wipe down after use).

The Elixir guitar strings have been tested by thousands of professional guitarists, who had input throughout the development of the strings. In other words, these strings have been created with a guitarist's interests in mind.

Is Elixir Good Value?

Of course, as a specialist string, the Elixir brand is bound to be more expensive than some of the more traditional strings. However, it is worth bearing in mind that, typically, an Elixir string will provide you with a four or five times longer life than other brands. Therefore, the Elixir does offer great value for money.

Moreover, the superior sound quality achieved with Elixir strings should also be considered when contemplating their value. Whether you play everyday or just once a month, you will notice the crisp, clean sound that Elixir guitar strings produce each and every time. Consequently, the Elixir string is highly recommended by many guitarists of all ages and abilities.

Elixir Guitar Strings - Good Quality and Value?

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